Brauer Unterstützungs Verein
(Brewer’s Klub)
A sub-organization at the Omaha German-American Society the Brauer Unterstützungs Verein (brewers support organization), or B.U.V. for short, was established in 1896 and revived in 2009. The members are all Homebrewers or beer aficionados with a passion for beer and brewing with skill levels ranging from novice to expert. Together they provide the Oktoberfest Beer in the official keg for the Omaha German-American Society Oktoberfest celebration, and participate in other local beer fests. The main focus of the club is to brew and appreciate beer, learn from each other and enhance our skills, educate the public, interact with the brewing community, and have a great time doing it. PROST!
Vorstand: Steve Thedens
Schiftführer: Scot Ahlers
Kassenverwalter: Jeremy Peppler